5 Proven Hashtag Strategies for Movie Releases 2024

published on 01 April 2024

Promoting new movies on social media in 2024 is all about using the right hashtag strategies. Here are 5 proven tactics to get more people excited and talking about your film:

  1. Use popular hashtags that are already trending to reach a wider audience
  2. Create unique branded hashtags specific to your movie to build buzz
  3. Tap into genre-specific hashtags to connect with fans of that movie type
  4. Leverage the star power of your cast/crew with name-based hashtags
  5. Run fun hashtag contests to encourage fan participation and sharing

The key is combining these hashtag approaches with Filmgrail's powerful tools:

  • Push notifications to keep moviegoers engaged
  • Local audience reviews with hashtags for social proof
  • Auto-playing trailers to grab attention

By integrating smart hashtags with Filmgrail's features, you can build an effective social media campaign that gets more eyes on your movie and ultimately drives ticket sales. It's about reaching the right people, sparking conversations, and making your film stand out in the crowded social media landscape.

Want to successfully market your new release in 2024? Follow these hashtag tips and harness Filmgrail's innovative platform to create a winning promotional strategy. Get ready to watch the buzz and excitement grow around your movie!

Using popular hashtags is a great way to get more people to see your movie release posts on social media. By using hashtags that are already trending, you can tap into conversations that many people are already having.

Relevant Hashtags

Use hashtags that relate to your movie's genre, theme, or cast. For example, if you're promoting a new superhero movie, use hashtags like #SuperheroMovies or #MarvelFans to reach people interested in those topics.

High Engagement Hashtags

Some hashtags get a lot of engagement, with many people using and interacting with them. Using these popular hashtags can help more people see your posts. Examples include:

  • #MovieNight
  • #CinemaLovers
  • #NewReleases
  • #MovieRecommendations

Targeted Hashtags

You can also use hashtags to reach specific groups of people. For example, use hashtags popular with younger audiences like #GenZMovies or #TeenFlicks to target that age group. Or use location-based hashtags like #NYCMoviegoers or #LondonCinema to target moviegoers in certain cities or regions.

By carefully choosing and using popular, relevant, and targeted hashtags, movie theaters can get their movie release posts in front of more potential viewers on social media.

2. Create Unique Branded Hashtags

Creating unique hashtags for your movie is a powerful way to promote it on social media. By making hashtags specific to the film, you can generate excitement, encourage fan participation, and effectively target your marketing efforts. This section explores the benefits of using branded hashtags for movie releases.


Branded hashtags are highly relevant for new movies because they:

  • Give the film a unique identity on social media
  • Make it easy for fans to find and engage with content about the movie
  • Help build anticipation and excitement before the release date

Using a hashtag that includes the movie title or a catchy phrase related to the film ensures that all social media conversations and fan-created content are centered around a single, recognizable tag.

Fan Engagement

Unique branded hashtags encourage fan engagement because they:

  • Make fans feel like part of a special community when using the hashtag
  • Can be memorable, witty, or emotionally resonant
  • Encourage fans to share their own content and experiences

By using branded hashtags, movie studios can tap into the power of fan-created content and word-of-mouth marketing. Fans who use the hashtag are more likely to feel connected and loyal to the film.

Targeted Marketing

Branded hashtags are effective for targeted marketing because they:

  • Allow for focused marketing efforts on social media platforms
  • Enable studios to track and analyze the success of their campaigns
  • Facilitate the creation of targeted ads and sponsored content

By monitoring the use of branded hashtags, movie studios can gain valuable insights into audience demographics, sentiment, and engagement levels. This data can inform future marketing decisions and help optimize the overall campaign strategy.

Some examples of successful branded hashtags for movies include:

Movie Title Branded Hashtag
Black Panther #WakandaForever
Avengers: Endgame #AvengersEndgame
Star Wars: The Force Awakens #TheForceAwakens
Jurassic World #JurassicWorld

In summary, creating unique branded hashtags is a highly relevant, engaging, and targeted strategy for promoting new movies on social media. By leveraging the power of hashtags, studios can build excitement, encourage fan participation, and effectively reach their desired audiences.

3. Engage with Genre-Specific Hashtags

Using hashtags related to your movie's genre is a smart way to reach people interested in that type of film. By using the right genre hashtags, you can get your movie in front of the viewers most likely to watch it.

Reach the Right Audience

  • Genre hashtags let you target fans of certain movie types
  • For example, use #HorrorMovies to reach horror fans
  • Or use #RomComs to target people who enjoy romantic comedies

Get More Engagement

  • Fans of a genre are more likely to interact with related content
  • They'll comment, share, and get excited about your movie posts
  • Genre hashtags spark conversations among passionate fans

Focus Your Marketing

  • Targeting specific genres helps you focus your marketing efforts
  • You'll reach the viewers most interested in your movie's genre
  • This makes your social media campaigns more effective

Some popular genre hashtags to try:

Genre Hashtags
Action #ActionMovies #ActionFlicks
Comedy #ComedyMovies #FunnyFlicks
Drama #DramaMovies #OscarWorthy
Horror #HorrorMovies #ScaryFlicks
Romance #RomComs #LoveStories
Sci-Fi #SciFiMovies #SpaceFlicks

By using genre-specific hashtags, you can:

  1. Attract viewers who are likely to enjoy your movie
  2. Get fans talking and sharing about your upcoming release
  3. Encourage more interaction and engagement with your posts
  4. Make your social media marketing more effective overall

Using the right genre hashtags is a simple but powerful way to connect with the viewers most interested in your movie. It's a smart strategy for any new movie release.

4. Use Hashtags for Movie Cast and Crew

Using hashtags related to the movie's cast and crew is a smart way to promote your new release on social media. These hashtags can help you reach more people who are already fans of the actors, directors, and others involved in the film.

Reach Existing Fan Bases

  • Fans often follow and engage with content about their favorite stars
  • Using cast and crew hashtags makes it easy to connect with these fans
  • Tapping into the popularity of well-known actors and directors can boost visibility

Get More Engagement

  • Fans are likely to interact with posts featuring their favorite stars
  • Hashtags encourage cast and crew to share and engage with your posts
  • Leveraging star power can lead to more likes, comments, and shares

Target the Right Audience

  • Cast and crew hashtags allow you to reach the specific fan bases of the movie's talent
  • Targeting the right audience increases the chances of generating interest and selling tickets
  • Hashtags help you tap into the existing social media following of the cast and crew

Some examples of effective cast and crew hashtags:

Movie Hashtags
The Matrix #KeanuReeves #CarrieAnneMoss #LanaWachowski
Jurassic World #ChrisPratt #BryceDallasHoward #CollinTrevorrow
Black Panther #ChadwickBoseman #MichaelBJordan #RyanCoogler

By using cast and crew hashtags, you can:

  1. Take advantage of the star power and fan bases of the movie's talent
  2. Increase the reach and visibility of your promotional posts
  3. Encourage engagement and interaction from fans of the cast and crew
  4. Effectively target the right audience to generate interest and drive ticket sales

Leveraging the popularity and influence of the movie's cast and crew through hashtags is a simple and effective way to enhance your social media marketing efforts for new releases.


5. Host Hashtag Challenges and Contests

Hosting hashtag challenges and contests is a great way to get people excited about new movie releases. By creating fun, interactive campaigns that encourage people to participate, movie theaters can reach more potential viewers, increase brand awareness, and build a community of moviegoers. This section explains why hashtag challenges and contests are effective for movie marketing.

Get People Talking

Hashtag challenges and contests are relevant for promoting new movies because they:

  • Create buzz and anticipation around the film
  • Encourage people to share their own content and spread the word
  • Provide an engaging way for fans to interact with the movie

By tapping into social media and people's competitive spirit, movie theaters can generate interest and get people talking about upcoming releases.

Encourage Participation

Hashtag challenges and contests encourage participation because they:

  • Offer incentives for fans to get involved and share their content
  • Foster a sense of community and connection among moviegoers
  • Can go viral, reaching a wide audience beyond the initial participants

When designed creatively and tied to the movie's theme, hashtag challenges can spark significant engagement and social media conversations.

Target the Right Audience

Hashtag challenges and contests can effectively target specific audiences because they:

  • Can be customized based on the movie's genre, theme, or target demographic
  • Can be promoted through targeted ads and influencer partnerships
  • Encourage participants to share with their own networks, expanding the reach to relevant audiences

By crafting challenges that resonate with the movie's intended audience, movie theaters can effectively reach and engage their desired target market.

Some examples of successful hashtag challenges and contests for movies include:

Movie Hashtag Challenge Description
Star Wars: The Force Awakens #TheForceAwakens Fans shared their excitement and anticipation for the movie
Black Panther #BlackPantherChallenge Fans posted photos in Black Panther-inspired outfits and makeup
Jurassic World #JurassicWorldChallenge Fans created and shared their own dinosaur-themed content

To make the most of hashtag challenges and contests, movie theaters should:

  1. Choose a unique and memorable hashtag that ties into the movie's theme or title
  2. Set clear guidelines and prizes to encourage participation
  3. Partner with influencers and fan communities to expand the reach
  4. Showcase the best user-generated content to further engage and inspire participants

By leveraging the power of hashtag challenges and contests, movie theaters can create buzz, encourage participation, and effectively target their desired audience for upcoming movie releases.

Measuring Hashtag Results

Tracking the performance of your hashtag campaigns is crucial for understanding their impact and making informed decisions for future promotions. By monitoring key metrics, movie theaters can assess the effectiveness of their hashtag strategies and fine-tune their approach to maximize engagement and ticket sales.


One of the most important factors to consider when evaluating hashtag performance is relevance. Hashtags should:

  • Directly relate to the movie's theme, genre, or title
  • Be meaningful and memorable for the target audience
  • Align with the overall marketing message and brand identity

Tracking the use of relevant hashtags can provide insights into how well the campaign resonates with the intended audience and whether adjustments are needed to improve relevance.


Engagement is a critical metric for assessing the success of hashtag campaigns. Key indicators of engagement include:

  • Likes, comments, and shares on posts containing the hashtag
  • User-generated content featuring the hashtag
  • Conversations and interactions sparked by the hashtag

Monitoring engagement levels can help movie theaters understand how effectively their hashtags are capturing audience attention and encouraging participation.

Engagement Metric Description
Likes Number of likes on posts containing the hashtag
Comments Number of comments on posts containing the hashtag
Shares Number of times posts with the hashtag are shared
User-generated content Amount of content created by users featuring the hashtag

Targeting Effectiveness

Hashtag campaigns should be designed to reach the right audience for the movie. Targeting effectiveness can be measured by:

  • Demographics of users engaging with the hashtag
  • Alignment between hashtag users and the movie's target market
  • Reach and impressions among the desired audience segments

Analyzing targeting effectiveness can help movie theaters refine their hashtag strategies to better connect with their ideal moviegoers and drive ticket sales.

To measure hashtag results effectively, movie theaters should:

  1. Set clear goals and metrics for each hashtag campaign
  2. Use hashtag tracking tools to monitor usage and engagement
  3. Analyze data regularly to identify trends and opportunities
  4. Adjust strategies based on performance insights

By measuring hashtag relevance, engagement, and targeting effectiveness, movie theaters can optimize their campaigns for maximum impact and return on investment.

Filmgrail's advanced analytics tools can help movie theaters track and analyze hashtag performance, providing valuable insights to inform their social media marketing strategies. With data-driven decision-making and a focus on continuous improvement, movie theaters can leverage the power of hashtags to drive excitement, engagement, and ticket sales for their upcoming releases.

Using Filmgrail's Tools


Filmgrail offers a set of tools that work well with the hashtag strategies discussed in this article. By using features like push notifications, local audience reviews, and auto-playing trailers, movie theaters can create a complete marketing campaign that makes their hashtag efforts more effective.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are a great way to keep moviegoers informed and engaged about new releases. Filmgrail's push notification system allows theaters to:

  • Send targeted messages to users interested in specific genres or movies
  • Remind users about upcoming showtimes and special events
  • Encourage users to participate in hashtag campaigns and share their excitement

By combining push notifications with hashtag strategies, theaters can drive more traffic to their social media pages and increase overall engagement.

Local Audience Reviews

Filmgrail's local audience review feature is another useful tool for enhancing hashtag campaigns. By encouraging moviegoers to leave reviews and share their opinions using specific hashtags, theaters can:

  • Generate user-generated content that resonates with local audiences
  • Increase the visibility and credibility of their hashtag campaigns
  • Provide social proof that can influence other potential moviegoers to participate

Integrating local audience reviews into hashtag strategies creates a more engaging and trustworthy marketing approach that appeals to the target audience.

Auto-Playing Trailers

Filmgrail's auto-playing trailer feature is a powerful way to capture the attention of potential moviegoers and drive engagement with hashtag campaigns. By incorporating auto-playing trailers into their social media and website content, theaters can:

  • Provide an exciting preview of upcoming movies
  • Encourage users to share trailers using relevant hashtags
  • Increase the overall impact and memorability of their hashtag campaigns

Combining auto-playing trailers with hashtag strategies creates a more dynamic and engaging marketing approach that effectively showcases the movie and generates buzz.

Filmgrail Tool Hashtag Strategy Benefits
Push Notifications Drives traffic to hashtag campaigns and increases engagement
Local Audience Reviews Generates user-generated content and provides social proof
Auto-Playing Trailers Captures attention and encourages sharing using relevant hashtags

To make the most of their hashtag strategies, movie theaters should:

  1. Integrate Filmgrail's tools into their overall marketing plan
  2. Use push notifications to keep users engaged and informed about hashtag campaigns
  3. Encourage local audience reviews that incorporate relevant hashtags
  4. Showcase auto-playing trailers alongside hashtag promotions to drive engagement

By using Filmgrail's suite of marketing tools together with the hashtag strategies outlined in this article, movie theaters can create a complete and effective approach to promoting their upcoming releases. This combination of targeted tools and engaging hashtag campaigns will help drive ticket sales, build buzz, and create a memorable moviegoing experience for their audience.


This article talked about 5 ways movie theaters can use hashtags to promote new movies on social media in 2024:

  1. Use Popular Hashtags

    • Use hashtags that are already trending and getting a lot of attention
    • Examples: #MovieNight, #CinemaLovers, #NewReleases
    • This helps more people see your posts
  2. Create Unique Branded Hashtags

    • Make special hashtags just for your movie
    • Examples: #WakandaForever, #AvengersEndgame
    • Builds excitement and makes it easy for fans to find your movie
  3. Use Genre Hashtags

    • Use hashtags for the type of movie you're promoting
    • Examples: #HorrorMovies, #RomComs, #SciFiMovies
    • Reaches people interested in that kind of movie
  4. Use Cast and Crew Hashtags

    • Use hashtags with the names of actors, directors, etc.
    • Examples: #KeanuReeves, #RyanCoogler
    • Reaches fans of those stars and gets them interested
  5. Host Hashtag Contests

    • Run fun contests where people use your movie's hashtag
    • Offer prizes to get people to join in
    • Creates buzz and gets fans sharing content

Using these hashtag tips along with Filmgrail's tools like push notifications, local reviews, and auto-play trailers can really help movie theaters:

  • Get more people to see their posts
  • Get fans excited and talking about the movie
  • Reach the right people interested in that kind of movie
  • Encourage fans to create and share content
  • Ultimately, sell more tickets!

Filmgrail's tools combined with smart hashtag use is a powerful way for movie theaters to successfully promote new releases in 2024. It helps them connect with audiences, create buzz, and drive more people to buy tickets.


How do I market my indie film?

Here are some simple ways to promote an independent film:

  1. Make a good movie poster
  2. Create a trailer to show what the film is about
  3. Build a website for the film
  4. Use social media like Facebook and Twitter
  5. Share behind-the-scenes videos and photos
  6. Prepare a press kit with information about the film
  7. Consider TV and radio ads if you have a budget
  8. Hand out flyers and sell merchandise

The key is to make interesting content that shows off your film's unique story and style.

How do you promote a movie on Instagram?

To promote your film's release on Instagram:

  1. Decide your goals and who you want to reach
  2. Make a good profile with clear info about the film
  3. Use different types of posts like photos, videos, and stories
  4. Use relevant hashtags and write good captions
  5. Work with influencers or other brands
  6. Check your stats to see what's working

Consistency and creativity will help build a strong Instagram presence for your movie.

What is the best practice for hashtag campaign?

When creating hashtags for a campaign, follow these tips:

  • Keep your hashtags short and unique
  • Research popular hashtags using tools
  • Track how your hashtags are being used
  • Use camelCase to make hashtags readable
  • Don't add spaces in hashtags

A well-planned hashtag strategy can help your campaign reach more people and get more engagement.

What are campaign hashtags?

A hashtag campaign is a marketing effort that uses a specific hashtag to:

  • Increase the number of people who see the campaign
  • Encourage followers to participate
  • Create a common theme for related content

Brands use the campaign hashtag in their posts and ask their audience to use it too.

What is an example of a hashtag in marketing?

One successful example is Ben and Jerry's #FairTrade campaign:

  • They made a special website for Twitter users to post tweets
  • The company added the #FairTrade hashtag to any tweets under 140 characters
  • The campaign got 40 million impressions

Creative and engaging hashtag campaigns can help brands get a lot of exposure and interaction with their audience.

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